Year of the Settler or Explorer?

“I started out as a farm girl in Iowa, and I dreamed of being an astronaut and an explorer. And I made it.” — Peggy Whitson

With the new year in full swing, everyone should have an idea of what achievable goals they set for themselves. While considering our own goals, we got to thinking about people across history and their approaches. During this journey, we found two broad categories of personas which are pretty relevant: the settler and the explorer.

An explorer is someone who travels to places where no one has ever been1. Whereas a settler is an individual or group of people who build a place for themselves after arriving from somewhere else2. Like many things in life, the two separate approaches require one another for successful results. A settler can’t go to a place they don’t know exists, and explorers discover in order to tell others of their findings. These definitions can also be used to categorize your goals for the year. Use this to help you plan your approach for the greatest chance of success.

As an explorer, are you pushing yourself into new territory? This could be in the form of creating a business, learning a brand new hobby, or performing a life-changing action. The list is endless, but identification of entering new territory is key to helping overcome the challenge of the unknown. Or are you a settler who is working to improve where you are now? This can be building upon your wealth, enhancing your relationships, or improving yourself. You might be in a stage of life with tons of exploration behind you, so it’s time to cultivate what you have. Either way, this categorization can be used to highlight the tools/support you need to be successful3.

Action: Are your goals for this year those of a settler or an explorer? Does this change your approach for success?

Further Reading:

  1. Explorer – definition
  2. Settler – definition
  3. Are you an Explorer, a Pioneer, or a Settler?

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