Don’t Panic, Calm Your Way Through Situations

“Don’t Panic.” — Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Keep calm and carry on is not just a campy phrase. The ability to regulate emotions and keep a clear head is essential to making sound decisions during hard or stressful times. Stress is guaranteed in life, so it makes sense to practice the best ways to deal with it in order to be ready.

To be realistic, some degree of anxiety is normal. Life is challenging so there will be ups and downs. The trick is to maximize your zen in order to keep a clear head for decisions. This has a direct link to performance. Studies found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and in control1. Along with performance gains, there are longevity benefits as well. Researchers found that adults who fail to maintain positive moods such as cheerfulness or calm when faced with the minor stressors of everyday life appear to have elevated levels of inflammation2.

The ability to guide your thoughts is termed ‘cognitive control’3. Like anything, it takes some practice to develop and improve. Instead of trying to calm down in the moment, get excited4! It can seem counterintuitive, but seeing situations as opportunities instead of stressors helps set the tone. Get blindsided? Take some time to do some quick deep breathing before addressing it5. If you are going through a longer-term rough patch, remember that quality sleep is essential. Try out different strategies to see which work best for you.

Action: Practice staying calm this week, no matter the situation. Reflect on ways that work for you.

Further Reading:

  1. How Successful People Stay Calm
  2. Keep calm and carry on — for the sake of your long-term health
  3. Cognitive control
  4. 7 Science-Backed Ways Successful People Stay Calm
  5. Staying calm in turbulent times

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