Seasons Force Change

“Nature gives to every season, a beauty all its own.” – Charles Dickens

Mother Nature doesn’t ask permission to change her seasons. She doesn’t ask about convenience of timing or take a poll to decide which season should be next. The seasons change when they change and they force us to adapt with them.

In some countries, summer is at its final peek before waving a graceful goodbye as autumn steps in1. Shorts will be traded for long sleeves. Summer toys for school supplies2. Other countries are experiencing monsoon season, soaking them for the wettest part of their year3. Directly across the world, people are finishing their last month of winter4. No matter which climate, culture, or location, nature is telling you changes are coming.

Without agents of change, it would be to easy for us to be stuck in the same routine day in and day out. The same shows, movies, or music. Seasons help force us out of those routines and into new ones. This is both in the physical sense (i.e. clothing) and the mental sense (i.e. looking forward to certain holidays or adapting to more/less sunlight). It is easy to love one season and dislike others, but per the average age expectancy, you only have around 72 full season changes to enjoy during your lifetime5. With such sobering math in mind, it makes sense to maximize the enjoyment of each.

Focus on the positives of each individual season and plan activities accordingly. Living in the land of the midnight sun6? Plan a midnight hike. Monsoon season? Catch up on movies, video games or board games with the family. Winter coming? Enjoy seasonal music and embrace the hygge. Take the time to plan and enjoy each season in its glory.

Action: Plan something to celebrate the season you are in. Plan activities for the next season you’ll enter.

Further Reading:

  1. When to Go in Eastern Europe
  2. Back to School Month – August 2023
  3. India – Weather in August
  5. World Life Expectancy 1950-2023
  6. The midnight sun in Iceland – Your Guide

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