“I believe I can see the future, ’cause I repeat the same routine” — Nine Inch Nails, Every Day Is Exactly the Same Life is full of ruts. This is regardless of stage, as each one has its own routine. Sameness is a mixed bag because it helps keep things predictable and moving, but also […]
Tag: Fitness
Supercharge Workouts with Time Under Tension
“Your health account, your bank account, they’re the same thing. The more you put in, the more you can take out.” — Jack LaLanne You only have one body on this ride called life, so it makes sense to take care of it. Most people do not have two or three hours a day to […]
“No matter how slow you go you’re still lapping everyone on the couch.” – Unknown We shamelessly condone physical activity of any kind. In a world full of butt grooves on couches, any activity is good activity. Unfortunately, as you mature, it is not always possible to regularly spend two hours in a gym. But […]
Pick Things Up and Put Them Down
“Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger Working out and staying active is essential to good health and a higher quality of life. There are an infinite amount of choices for how to stay moving, anything from hiking […]