Category: Focus

Do You Have a Hero?

“Look up to your heroes, not down at your haters.”  — Matshona Dhliwayo Heroes are important. Either in fantasy epics or actual history, they provide us with ideal examples of morality, strength, courage, and honor. Across cultures, there are countless examples of someone standing up to do what is right, often against all odds. As […]

Boredom Isn’t a Crime

“Boredom is a crime”  — Bo Burnham, “Inside” The world is an exciting place with endless experiences to explore. Recently, we traveled to the self proclaimed “Happiest Place on Earth”. No matter where we looked, we were surrounded by people on their phones. Even Disney amusement parks, with each detail carefully curated, aren’t engaging enough […]

Your Memory Isn’t That Good, Take Notes

“The true art of memory is the art of attention.”  — Samuel Johnson Admittedly, the title content is a bit more complex than a one-liner can handle. Research has shown our memories to be both excellent and very flawed. To add to the equation, memory is unique person-to-person and affected by things such as stress […]

Tackle Chores With Micro Progress

“Nothing is more exhausting than the task that’s never started.”  — Gretchen Rubin Chores stink. The fact is simple but true. Yet, they are a necessary part of life to keep things clean and running. Since chores don’t do themselves, they need to be planned into the schedule. Some can be extremely time-consuming. Instead of […]

First Impressions Are Powerful

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” — Will Rogers Impressions are important. The first impression is shown to stick and sets the tone for how someone will view you. Depending on the level of integration you’ll have with that person, an initial meeting has the potential to be followed up […]

Mastery Takes Practice

“If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.” – Michelangelo In an age of endless walkthrough videos, it is easier than ever to learn about a subject. Experts post to explain everything from the best way to tie your shoes to how to build a laser […]